MGP-270-001 Corporate Financial Reporting

Fall 2019
CRN: 50973
Instructor: Griffin, Paul
Day/Time: Th 6:00pm-9:00pm
Location: Sacramento

Course Description
Critically analyzes and evaluates contemporary issues in corporate accounting and financial reporting, and develops implications of those issues for managers, investors, independent accountants, and policy makers. Focuses on the underlying accounting concepts and the motivations for and consequences of accounting and disclosure alternatives. Discusses research findings and legal implications where relevant. Covers generally accepted accounting principles for industrials, banks, and other organizations.
Prerequisite: 200A
Grading Policy: Letter
Concentration: Finance/Accounting, General Management, STEM

Syllabus: Syllabus
Textpack: No Text Pak Required
Bookstore: Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information. Textbooks may be purchased at the UC Davis Bookstore. Please check the bookstore website for current information.

Additional course information and materials are available on Canvas.